Do You Want To Write For

autor • 21.09.2022
Deal ProXCskiing
Do you like winter just like we do, cross-country skiing and Ski Classics? Are you a good writer? Do you want to freelance for before and during the upcoming intense competition season? is the largest international independent site with a focus on cross-country skiing and long-distance skiing. We follow the sports closely, monitor competitions, report on the latest training findings and write about the latest news.

Now we want to sharpen our coverage further ahead of the coming and intense winter with highlights such as Vasaloppet, Biathlon World Championships in Oberhof and Ski World Championships in Planica, we are looking for more writers who contribute to improving our site on a freelance basis.

We are looking for someone who is a good writer and who has a solid interest in sports. This is preferably in cross-country skiing and long-distance skiing.

If you also have knowledge of web publishing and social media, it is an extra plus.

What does the assignment look like?
Coverage of competitions and news on a freelance basis.

How do you apply?
Send an email with information about you, why you are suitable for the assignment and one or two texts you have written. Please send your application until October 7th.

Send your application and questions to Theresa Fugger

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