La Venosta Open Fast Approaching

La Venosta Open
In just over a month, La Venosta Open begins in Italy. After months of planning and preparation, the event will take place in the Venosta Valley, the western part of South Tyrol.

La Venosta Open continues the Ski Classics Challengers series on Sunday, December 18, with a 33-kilometer classic mass start race setting in motion for both women and men, professional and recreational skiers. On the same day, a 23-kilometer race, also in classic technique, will take place on the same course. 

The start and finish are in Melago for both distances, and the course has three laps for the 33-kilometer race and two laps for the shorter event. The course is challenging due to its high altitude, technical downhill sections, and long climbs.

Preparations for the 3rd edition of La Venosta are in full swing. With the area already covered in snow all around. At an altitude of about 1,900 meters, the high-altitude cross-country skiing tracks guarantee snow throughout the entire winter season. An experience not to be missed!

Secure your starting place now:

La Venosta Open

The day before, the third event in Ski Classics Season XIV, La Venosta Criterium, is taking place in the Venosta Valley. 

The Ski Classics La Venosta Criterium race is a 40km long-distance event in several loops and classic technique, taking place on Saturday, December 17, 2022. This spectacular race challenges the Pro Tour skiers to the max with a demanding course at high altitude in the charming Vallelunga valley.

Situated close to the borders of Switzerland and Austria, the valley has always offered cross-country skiing tracks and good snow conditions already in early December, giving the Pro Team skiers an excellent opportunity to get some early season race on snow. 

La Venosta Criterium – Ski Classics Pro Tour

  • Date: December 17, 2022
  • Place: Val Venosta, Italy
  • Distance: 40km
  • Technique: Classic technique
  • Website: La Venosta Criterium 
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