Moonlight Classic Seiser Alm: Big Comeback on February 3rd, 2023

Moonlight Classic
After a forced two-year break, the renowned South Tyrolean cross-country classic will celebrate its return to the big stage in about two months. On Friday evening, February 3rd, hundreds of athletes from all parts of Europe will once again set out on the cross-country skiing course lit by 1000 torches on Europe’s largest alpine slope to cover 30 or 15 kilometers on their narrow cross-country skis using classic technique. Registrations for the 15th Moonlight Classic Seiser Alm are already open on the official website 

What do Justyna Kowalczyk, Giandomenico Salvadori, Antonella Confortola, and Dietmar Nöckler have in common – apart from being excellent cross-country skiers? These four top athletes have won the Moonlight Classic Seiser Alm at least once in their successful careers, with Salvadori and Kowalczyk being the defending champions on the 30 km „King’s Distance.“ 

Since 2007, this well-known cross-country skiing festival has been held on the famous South Tyrolean high alpine plateau, attracting a legion of athletes from all parts of the world every year. Participants can choose between two different distances, both of which can only be covered in classic technique. The 30 km long distance leads from the start in Compatsch to Wolfsbühl, back to Ritsch, and from there via Goldknopf and Spitzbühl in the direction of Großes Moos, where the skiers take the turn-off to the final section in the direction of the finish – again in Compatsch. 

Perfect lighting and four feeding stations along the route

The half-distance (15 km) also starts in Compatsch and is identical to the long distance for the first 12 kilometers. Once at Ritsch, however, participants head straight back from there to the finish. Along the entire route – which is perfectly illuminated not only by the full moon but also by 1000 torches – there are four feeding stations. Here the athletes can recharge their batteries. 

About two months before the starting signal on Friday, February 3rd at 8 pm, the Moonlight Classic Alpe Seiser Alm preparations are at full speed. „For two years, we had to wait for another Moonlight Classic Alpe Seiser Alm for reasons we all know. That’s why the anticipation for our comeback, which coincides with our 15th edition, is huge for everyone involved,“ says OC President Robert Gobbo. 

Registration for the 15th Moonlight Classic Seiser Alm is already open on the official website As in previous years, there is also the combined ranking for all athletes who, in addition to the Moonlight Classic Seiser Alm in winter, also run the Seiser Alm Half Marathon in summer.  

ATTENTION: Discounted registration fee until 15.01.2023.

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