Register For La Venosta Before Price Increase

La Venosta open
Register for La Venosta in September and enjoy special prices.

Preparations for the 3rd edition of La Venosta are in full swing. With the peaks already covered in snow all around, the anticipation of winter is all the more remarkable because then we are off again to the dreamlike Lagtaufers valley. At an altitude of about 1,900 meters, the high-altitude cross-country skiing tracks guarantee snow throughout the entire winter season. An experience not to be missed!

Register Now!

Registration fees are steadily rising, and the next price step is not far away, so take your chance.

The following prices are valid until September 30:

  • 33 km – 95 euros
  • 23 km – 75 euros

Secure your starting place now:

See you on December 17 and 18, 2022!

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